速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / Islamic Quiz Kids Free

Islamic Quiz Kids Free


檔案大小:4.3 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 5.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Islamic Quiz Kids Free(圖1)-速報App

Learning about Islam and its basic concepts are important as well as necessary for each Muslim. Also, it can be useful for people trying to grab knowledge about Islam as a religion. We have designed a Quiz app that can benefit children, boys, men and elderly people to take quiz and learn diverse information about Islam.

Islamic Quiz Kids Free(圖2)-速報App

This Application consists of

Islamic Quiz Kids Free(圖3)-速報App

•Levels (based on intensity of questions, 1st being easiest till 6th level being hardest).

Islamic Quiz Kids Free(圖4)-速報App

•Quiz on Islam (25 random questions on each level of Quiz).

Islamic Quiz Kids Free(圖5)-速報App

•Results (Shows number of correct/incorrect answers and whether you have passed or failed the Quiz).

•Correct Answers for each question on results screen.
